What is nano-hydroxyapatite and why should I use a toothpaste with nano hydroxyapatite?

What is nano-hydroxyapatite and why should I use a toothpaste with nano hydroxyapatite?

We're excited to now provide a non-toxic, natural treatment for your dazzling whites.
Daylee premium natural toothpastes are powered by an innovative nano-hydroxyapatite (n-HA) formula to repair your enamel from within, provide long-term tooth sensitivity relief, and reduce bacteria & plaque buildup in your mouth.
"What is nano-hydroxyapatite, and why haven't I heard of it?" you may be wondering. Don't worry, we've thought the exact same thing. We honestly don't understand why this hero component takes a back seat to fluoride in the realm of dental health, so we're here to give it some of the credit it deserves!
Let's go into the specifics of nano-hydroxyapatite... how it works, what distinguishes it from ordinary "sensitive toothpaste," and how it outperforms its ingredient competitors.

What is nano-hydroxyapatite ?

  • Hydroxyapatite is a calcium-based natural mineral that accounts for 90% of your tooth enamel, 80% of your dentin, and 60-70% of your bones. It is found in saliva, where your body uses it to keep your teeth strong. Nano-hydroxyapatite is a lab-created mineral that the body can employ to repair lost enamel minerals and support new bone growth and development.
  • (Note: Hydroxyapatite is the name of the mineral itself and nano-hydroxyapatite is simply hydroxyapatite with particle sizes between 20-80 nanometers, so we use the two terms interchangeably.)
  • NASA developed it in 1970 for astronauts to help replenish minerals and mend enamel lost in the absence of gravity.
  • Since the 1980s, nano-hydroxyapatite has been the gold standard in Japan for cavity prevention, teeth whitening, and remineralization.

How does nano-hydroxyapatite work?

Your teeth have tiny tubules that act as passageways to your tooth’s center nerve. When these tubules become exposed (as occurs when your gums recede and/or your enamel wears down), your tooth's super-sensitive nerve becomes subject to outside stress and discomfort.

Unlike other ingredients found in traditional toothpaste, nano-hydroxyapatite actually attaches to your enamel and penetrates all the way to the back of your mouth. This allows it to remineralize and restore your enamel from within, sealing the tubules to form a strengthened barrier around your tooth's core nerve. Instead of acting as a band-aid remedy like many conventional "sensitive" chemicals, our approach really cures the damage and removes your sensitivity.

What are the benefits of hydroxyapatite toothpaste ?

Because your enamel and dentin are naturally composed of hydroxyapatite, you've probably guessed that hydroxyapatite toothpaste has plenty of benefits for your teeth...whether you're an astronaut or not. For instance, consider nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste:

  • Is non-toxic and biocompatible (meaning it is safe for your body's tissue), hence there is no Poison Control warning!
  • Is a great source of calcium.
  • It remineralizes your teeth...with no known negative effects.
  • Reduces plaque and combats harmful bacteria.
  • Protects against gum disease, dental caries, and tooth sensitivity.

How does Hydroxyapatite Compare to Fluoride in Efficacy?

When it comes to which toothpaste is more effective, there isn't much of a difference between hydroxyapatite and fluoride toothpastes.
One study compared 10% hydroxyapatite with 500 ppm F− (amine fluoride), which dentists typically prescribe. The researchers discovered that the 10% hydroxyapatite worked just as well as 500ppm F− for remineralization and lesion depth (LD) reduction.
The study concluded that hydroxyapatite toothpaste is equally effective as fluoride toothpaste in terms of efficacy.

Should I Switch to Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste?

This is a no-brainer for us. If you have a better alternative to fluoride toothpaste and it’s non-toxic, why wouldn’t you?
We recommend everyone talk to their dentist about switching to a hydroxyapatite toothpaste, especially the following categories of people:

  • Pregnant women
  • People who live in areas with fluoridated water supply
  • Babies and children, especially if they are below the age of six.
  • People with sensitive teeth, as hydroxyapatite treats the root cause of sensitivity.

Bottom line

The biggest advantage of using toothpaste with hydroxyapatite is that it remineralizes your teeth without any side effects, unlike fluoride that is toxic in large quantities.
Hydroxyapatite is naturally present within our body and constitutes most of our enamel.
Both fluoride and hydroxyapatite are scientifically proven to reverse dental decay—why not choose the less toxic one?

Try it out yourself!

You can read our glowing reviews and results all you want, but the evidence is in the toothpaste! Try out our revolutionary day & night hydroxyapatite toothpaste for yourself.

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